Contact Me

If you are looking for a specific post or project you can check out the DIY Project Gallery , or check our the FAQ Page for answers to common questions.

Otherwise if you have a specific question please feel free to either comment on the specific blog post or email me directly to . With my full schedule and motherly/wifely duties I will try my best to answer any questions as soon as possible.

I am so interested in hearing any ideas and or suggestion in regards to anything to help bring the shore inside.  If you have any Do-It-Yourself projects that reflect the style of my blog please let me know because I would love to feature you in my blog!

To submit a reader space for me to consider, please send photos of your project along with an e-mail to .

As I am sure you already know unfortunately I cannot feature every project that is submitted, but I strongly encourage you to at least try!  Those that are featured get the benefit of exposure to my blog audience with a direct link to your personal blog. 

I absolutly love my sponsers (they are like fmaily to me) and am so grateful to have them.  If you are considering sponsoring It's a Shorething D.I.Y, then please take a moment to check out the Advertise Here page.